Men's Ministry Trip To Delaware Speedway
Posted on Monday, September 16, 2019 05:15 AM
The Men's Minstry is having a day of fellowship at the Delaware Speedway on Saturday September 28th, 2019. Meet at the church at 2pm to drive out together.
We will be watching the iceMaker Open 4 Cylinder Invitational 150 laps, King of the Hill
Signup for this event is in the church foyer ASAP!
2019 Samson League Softball Champions
Posted on Monday, September 16, 2019 04:45 AM
Our Church in the Oaks team is the 2019 Samson League Softball Champions! From left:
Back - Larry, Justin, Ben, Andrew, Amanda, Mark, Kristen, Shawn
Front - Joel S., Joel M., David, Dean (Coach)
Not Pictured - Linda
Upcoming Water Baptism Service
Posted on Monday, September 16, 2019 04:30 AM
Sunday October 13th, 2019 will be a water baptism service. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in being baptized, please get in touch with Pastor Schell through the church office.
Important Sunday School Information
Posted on Thursday, August 29, 2019 02:30 AM
Dear Parent(s)/Caregiver,
The Summer Season is over and we will be soon starting a new Sunday School Season. The kids have enjoyed our Summer program of Children’s Church and our theme of Emoji’s. Learning that God has made us amazing and wonderful and our emotions are ways of expressing this.
Beginning in September we will be going back to classroom format. Here is the breakdown of the classroom ages.
- Grades 6-8 (Junior High)
- Grades 4-5
- Grades 1-3
- Jk/Sk
Please make sure to register your child(ren)...
Foyer Construction
Posted on Sunday, August 04, 2019 01:30 AM
We are putting in a new floor in the foyer at the church and so we are asking that you take extra care and monitor your children to prevent any injuries while the work is ongoing!
We anticipate the work will be done by the end of the summer.
Thank you for your cooperation!